Wednesday, November 7, 2012

en memoria de LW

Resist whatever seems inevitable.
Resist people who seem invincible.
Resist the embrace of those who have lost.
Resist the flattery of those who have won.
Resist any idea that contains the word algorithm.
Resist the idea that architecture is a building.
Resist the idea that architecture can save the world.
Resist the hope that you’ll get that big job.
Resist getting big jobs.
Resist the suggestion that you can only read Derrida in French.
Resist taking the path of least resistance.
Resist the influence of the appealing.
Resist the desire to make a design based on a piece of music.
Resist the growing conviction that They are right.
Resist the nagging feeling that They will win.
Resist the idea that you need a client to make architecture.
Resist the temptation to talk fast.
Resist anyone who asks you to design only the visible part.
Resist the idea that drawing by hand is passé.
Resist any assertion that the work of Frederick Kiesler is passé.
Resist buying an automobile of any kind.
Resist the impulse to open an office.
Resist believing that there is an answer to every question.
Resist believing that the result is the most important thing.
Resist the demand that you prove your ideas by building them.
Resist people who are satisfied.
Resist the idea that architects are master builders.
Resist accepting honors from those you do not respect.
Resist the panicky feeling that you are alone.
Resist hoping that next year will be better.
Resist the assertion that architecture is a service profession.
Resist the foregone conclusion that They have already won.
Resist the impulse to go back to square one.
Resist believing that there can be architecture without architects.
Resist accepting your fate.
Resist people who tell you to resist.
Resist the suggestion that you can do what you really want later.
Resist any idea that contains the word interface.
Resist the idea that architecture is an investment.
Resist the feeling that you should explain.
Resist the claim that history is concerned with the past.
Resist the innuendo that you must be cautious.
Resist the illusion that it is complete.
Resist the opinion that it was an accident.
Resist the judgement that it is only valid if you can do it again.
Resist believing that architecture is about designing things.
Resist the implications of security.
Resist writing what They wish you would write.
Resist assuming that the locus of power is elsewhere.
Resist believing that anyone knows what will actually happen.
Resist the accusation that you have missed the point.
Resist all claims on your autonomy.
Resist the indifference of adversaries.
Resist the ready acceptance of friends.
Resist the thought that life is simple, after all.
Resist the belated feeling that you should seek forgiveness.
Resist the desire to move to a different city.
Resist the notion that you should never compromise.
Resist any thought that contains the word should.
Resist the lessons of architecture that has already succeeded.
Resist the idea that architecture expresses something.
Resist the temptation to do it just one more time.
Resist the belief that architecture influences behavior.
Resist any idea that equates architecture and ownership.
Resist the tendency to repeat yourself.
Resist that feeling of utter exhaustion.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

solución para armadura

vigas de madera de 8 x 20 cm @50cm sujetadas con tornillos de alta resistencia de 1" entre placas de acero (solera de 5 ") soldados a la viga principal (dos montenes 20cm x 30cm x 9m soldados y armados por dentro con varilla de 1/2.   acabado "aparente"
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fausto de jefe de obra

revisando fraguado de cadenas y haciendo calculos para la cimbra de la losa
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gato supervisando obra

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Avance de Obra

(derecha superior)falta techo a dos aguas, (armadura sera combinacion de canalones armados de acero que quedarán aparentes y vigas de madera conectados al mismo por cinturones de solera de 6". por el lado sur descansan sobre la cadena del muro perimetral y por el lado norte dscansarán sobre la estructura del "solarium" que se hará en parte con herreria que carga el domo corrido de cristal y en parte de aluminio imitacion madera)
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Armado de Emparrillado sobre petatillo p/losa

el petatillo quedará en el techo del baño como acabado de losa
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Construcción de Chimenea

chimenea de 40 x 70 tiro de 21 (cms)

"Máxima irradiación del calor hacia el exterior: se logra dando a las paredes laterales del hogar, una dirección oblicua, de 27 grados más o menos, hasta tocar la línea de la pared posterior.
La pared posterior se levantará vertical hasta una altura igual a un tercio de la altura de la boca de la estufa. A partir de esa altura la pared posterior se inclinará hacia el frente, formando con la horizontal un ángulo de 60 gradosy seguirá hasta sobrepasar 10 o 15 centímetros el nivel del dintel de la boca del hogar."
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